Here are my top sites for assisting all phases of career management.
Five O’Clock Club
The Five O’Clock Club is a national outplacement and career coaching organization with certified career coaches across the United States. We use a proven methodology–based on 25 years of research.
Inspired Work
Inspired Work was founded on one defining principle: Work is the most significant relationship in a person’s life. Our goal is to change the world one person at a time. Our work is not training—it is transforming. We transform the way people feel about their lives, their work, and their achievements. We will, over time, touch everyone in the workplace and, as a result, make the working world a better place.
Site supported by the US Department of Labor to provide support and assistance in all phases of career management. Key Services include:
- America’s Service Locator connects individuals to employment and training opportunities available at local One-Stop Career Centers. The Web site provides contact information for a range of local work-related services, including unemployment benefits, career development, and educational opportunities.
- America’s Career InfoNet helps individuals explore career opportunities to make informed employment and education choices. The Web site features user-friendly occupation and industry information, salary data, career videos, education resources, self-assessment tools, career exploration assistance, and other resources that support talent development in today’s fast-paced global marketplace.
- mySkills myFuture helps laid-off workers and other career changers find new occupations to explore. Users can identify occupations that require skills and knowledge similar to their current or previous job, learn more about these suggested matches, locate local training programs, and/or apply for jobs.
- Competency Model Clearinghouse provides the business community with a means to communicate its skill needs to educators and the workforce system in a common industry-driven framework. The models and other competency-based resources support development of curriculum and increased awareness of careers in high-growth industries.
- Worker ReEmployment provides employment, training, and financial assistance for laid-off workers. Includes resources for getting immediate help with unemployment insurance, healthcare, and other financial needs; job searching and resume tips; changing careers and understanding transferable skills; and upgrading skills through education and training.
- Key to Career Success provides career information and links to work-related services that help veterans and military service members successfully transition to civilian careers.
LinkedIn Home
Home to one of the largest networking sites on the Internet. Make connections, identify people, explore opportunities.
Occupational Outlook Handbook, Latest Edition
For hundreds of different types of jobs—such as teacher, lawyer, and nurse—the Occupational Outlook Handbook tells you:
- the training and education needed
- earnings
- expected job prospects
- what workers do on the job
- working conditions