Many recent press articles have used the term ‘fiscal cliff’ to describe the December 2012 budget events of tax increases and government spending cuts. Such a description is biased and underlies the author’s inherent priority of economic activity over fiscal health. Worse in many readers minds, I fear, the act of saving is demonized as the cause of poor economic activity. Nothing could be further from the truth. Read more
Tag Bush Administration
Negotiating at Impasse—A question of Values
When negotiating many people suggest that the participants start with common objectives. This advice, assumes of course, negotiating efficiency is valued. However, the negotiations for the debt ceiling increase remind me that it is common values, not objectives, that create efficiency in negotiations. The federal government, as has the California state government of the last three years, illustrates this point clearly. Read more
Famous Last Words
Geithner says Obama will bring down deficits – Yahoo Finance.
The article above is an example of politicians setting expectations, and creating an environment with the opportunity to fail–that is win the next election. However, the Obama Administration has been long short on explaining how they will cut the deficit. One report suggested their sights are set on 3% of GDP, from the latest estimates of 12.5% of GDP. Good Luck. Read more
Sustaining Democracy
During the Bush administration there were many conversations regarding how to establish democracy, or how would we know if democracy has held sway in the environment. This Washington Post article As Anbar Counts Votes, Sheiks Voice Defiance illustrates my key thought–Democracy holds, when the loser is willing to stay within the system as a route to gaining power. This condition crucially relies on the right of minority view points to have a voice in government.
This right is crucial to my labeling the Bush Administration wrong when they governed Read more
Presidential Debate Discussion
I watched the debates last night. I envisioned voting day in my dreams. And I discovered that distinguishing these candidates comes down to one question—Are polarization and division healthy for this country?
Democrat or Republican, answering this question immediately eliminates several candidates. Read more
Smart Way To Beat Tyrants — Not
Don Rumsfeld, recognizes the failure and ill preparedness of many historic institutions and ideas, except his own. The core of his argument is that a system of world trade is the best way to help the world’s poor, maintain peace, and allow for order in the world. History has proven this to be false, and the likes of Don Rumsfeld just don’t get it. Read more
For a Democrat, Options in Iraq Could Be Few –
For a Democrat, Options in Iraq Could Be Few –
How depressing a thought. And I have news for the politicians, American presence is not making a difference. The outcome here is inevitable for the Iraqi people, but what is not discussed is the outcome for America. Unfortunately, too many politicians are not connecting the dots. Read more
Multiple Messages and Audiences – New York Times
Multiple Messages and Audiences – New York Times
A well stated piece. President Bush, will never face the fact that the strategy his administration put in play, created a quagmire for the US, either install a new dictator/become an occupier and admit democracy cannot hold without force or leave and let a civil war ensue vowing to work with the ultimate winner.
Forthcoming in the near future: Read more
Bush again talks tough on Iran, Iraq – Los Angeles Times
So it is all about oil. Shame President Bush. The victory in fights over scarce resources, is not to spill lives fighting, but to adjust the economy, and put American ingenuity to work on alternative energy supplies. While coal is a threat to global warming, oil is a threat to peace on earth. Read more
Letter To My Elected Representative
The time for playing political games is over. You owe your constituents an effort to bring about the two legitimate debates the American people have not had during the Bush administration:
- What are the limits of presidential authority under the currently approved 2002 resolution for war?, and
- What is the appropriate use of preemptive military force in the name of national security?
Previous congressional sessions approved an overly broad war resolution with little guidance for the courts and the public concerning the views of Congress, and with hindsight, there clearly is a difference of opinion regarding the breadth of approval for military conduct. This country deserves to have the question of executive branch authority addressed, especially in light of this administration’s expansion of executive branch powers for the purpose of protecting national security. Read more