Tag success

Listening Well and the Cause of Happiness—What my God Children Taught me

My godchildren inspire me. They ask questions, alter my perspective and in exchange I get a youthful perspective. Some parents, surly know the feeling. The godchildren that inspired this writing are 14 and 15 years old. Their persistence forced me to think—to improve my grasp of “Listening Well” and “Causing Happiness.”

Listening Well

During the Thanksgiving holiday, amidst my godchildren’s question barrage, I was asked, “What would you do if you found one million dollars?”

My reply, “I’d try to give it back to who ever lost it.”

“No, I mean what if no one was around. You just found it,” replied my godson.

Confidently, I replied, “Well, no one loses a million dollars, and doesn’t look for the money. So, I’d help them find it.”

My goddaughter, better explaining her brother’s question, jumped in, “No! No, he means, noooooobody is looking for the money. You find a million dollars. What do you do with it?” Read more

Why Feelings of Guilt May Signal Leadership Potential | Stanford Graduate School of Business

I loved this article.   I found it an interesting way to say that people with empathy for others, and a sense of responsibility toward promises, make great leaders.   The combination of traits are hard to hone—It is difficult to care enough to get something done for others.   But I like the thought.

Why Feelings of Guilt May Signal Leadership Potential | Stanford Graduate School of Business.

California Redistricting – My Input

Well I’ve submitted my input to the California Redistricting Commission.  I love this process.  Removing conflict of interest is a big improvement, I hope, in the election process.  My input in part is below. Read more

Managing Stress, Life Lessons Confirmed

While science needs proof in specific forms, humans have the power of intuition.  Studies such as these are inconclusive for developing broad policy guidelines.  But for me, the study confirms established beliefs: Read more

It’s Not Intelligence That Drives Success; What Gives

The truth about grit – The Boston Globe.

Science is gaining greater consensus that perseverance and focus are the keys to success.  Hurray!  After years of biased researchers claiming intelligence as the key to success, the tide appears to be turning.   Read more

People Still Want Something For Nothing

Several theories of student self-entitlement are offered in Student Expectations Seen as Causing Grade Disputes – NYTimes.com.  But entitlement, as a notion of human behavior, has existed much longer than the lifetimes of today’s students.   No doubt today’s students exhibit a strong belief about what they deserve.  They have had success defined by measured accomplishments-test scores and grades-during their lifetime.  Thus, entitlement is not driven by family pressure, or a test taking preparation gone awry, but Read more

What Makes People Different

I have listed Mindset – The New Psychology of Success as one of my favorite books. That action may indeed be an understatement. Rarely has a single work given me the opportunity to think and expand my thoughts as much as this work by Carol S. Dweck. I must thank her someday. Today, I write my initial thoughts and reactions from reading Mindset. Reading this book stimulates many thoughts and ideas that I can use to improve my life. I sincerely hope this blog encourages you in your own life exploration.

So What Makes People Different

In a phrase, people legitimately differ by whether they have a growth or fixed mindset. Seemingly, forever, people have noted the difference between themselves: physical characteristics, environment, wealth, bloodlines, and many others. Man, in the search to answer complex questions has often turned to the distinguishing characteristics as an explanation. For many, the concept of success, however defined, presents one of these eternal questions: What makes success happen, and why do individuals differ in their success. Read more

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